The blessings of homeschooling are not always apparent when you’re in the throes of lesson-planning, kid-wrangling, and house-cleaning. In fact there are probably days when you just want to throw in the towel and crawl back to bed. We’ve all been there!

How to Keep Yourself Sane While Homeschooling

As a mom, you are the foundation of your family, the glue that holds everyone and everything together, and I’m not exaggerating when I say that keeping yourself sane is one of the most important aspects of your homeschooling day. Here are some tried-and-true tips for staying sane while homeschooling.

Wake up before your kids

I know this can be hard to do, especially if you have babies or toddlers, but even a half-hour of quiet time to prepare for the day will go a long way toward protecting your sanity. Take some time to indulge in a cup of tea, read your Bible, meditate, or stretch. You’ll be grateful for that time when the busyness of the day sets in.

Simplify your curriculum

If you are teaching kids of different ages, you may be tempted to find grade-level materials in every subject for each child. Not only is this time consuming, it’s also unnecessary. Try consolidating your core science, history, and Bible study lessons so that everyone works on the same material. Then you can adapt the lessons based on each child’s age and ability.

Teach to their hearts as well as their minds

There will be days when you feel like your kids aren’t learning anything at all, so it’s important to remember the big picture. It’s not just about multiplication facts or literacy. It’s also about discipline, respect, love, and devotion. These qualities can’t always be measured, especially in the public school system, which is one of the reasons we are homeschooling to begin with. Your kids are learning every day and you are their biggest role model.

Find support from other homeschooling moms

We need to stick together on this journey! Find a support network of like-minded moms and make time to get together to share, comfort, and encourage each other. After a hard day or week, there’s nothing like a friend or two to help you see the joy in your journey.

Staying sane when life is crazy might not be easy, but it’s absolutely worth the effort. Keep in mind that if you’re struggling to keep your head above water, then your family probably is, too. After all, don’t forget that the most important part of homeschooling is never academics, but your relationship with your children!