Your student has studied hard, taken great notes, and aced his practice exams. He’s mentally prepared. Now, as test day approaches, you can help him physically prepare for the big day.

You both take a deep breath and follow these 10 steps to make your test day successful and stress-free.

How Dual Credit Works for Homeschooled Students

1. Know if he is taking a computer or paper-based exam.
CLEP exams are all internet based now, but if he is taking a DSST exam it could be either an internet based or a paper-based exam. Just to be safe, take along two sharpened #2 pencils.

2. Some CLEP exams allow for the use of a calculator, and by test day he should know if that applies to the exam he’ll be taking.
However, students cannot bring their own calculators into a testing center for CLEP exams; if one is allowed it will be integrated into the exam software. If a DSST test allows for the use of calculator, it too will be integrated into the software for computer based exams. Check with your testing center ahead of time to see what they allow to be brought in for paper based exams.

3. Print out your registration ticket and gather the required materials.
Double check this list on test day, and don’t forget your child’s ID!

4. Remember to take your DSST log in information because that is how your DSST exam will be administered – inside your DSST account. You don’t want to get there without your username and password!

5. Have your student take one last practice exam the day before the test.
This will help the material to stay fresh in his head.

6. Encourage him to get a good night’s sleep the night before so he isn’t tired on testing day.

7. Have him eat a nutritious breakfast before his exam. Protein sources, like meat and eggs, will help him stay full longer so he’s not hungry during the test.

8. Remind him not to drink coffee. While a caffeine boost can be tempting, it is short-lived, and will leave him feeling listless and tired before he’s finished the exam. Instead, treat him to something special after the exam. Plan to go out and CELEBRATE!

9. Arrive at your testing site at least 30 minutes before the scheduled exam. This will give you plenty of time to park, and for the staff to help your student get started.

10. Remind him to take a deep breath and just do his best. This is no time for stress and anxiety. He’s prepared!

All finished? Congratulations! Your family is one step closer to your educational goals, and there’s no doubt that your dedication and hard work will pay off.