The Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Bachelor of Science (BS) degrees are the most common undergraduate degrees offered in the United States. Academically, both degrees are equivalent. The main difference is the courses that are taken to achieve the degree.

A BS degree indicates a science major or a vocational program such as nursing, business, or engineering. A BS requires a high number of credits in your chosen field of study, with an emphasis on analytical and technical skills.

A BA degree can be earned in a wide range of subjects, from art and humanities to science and math. Pursuing a BA will give you more flexibility in your course selection with opportunities for exploring courses outside of your field. Communication, language, and writing skills are emphasized.

No matter which type of degree you choose to pursue, it is important to remember that every college and university will dictate different credit requirements for their BA and BS programs. It is always advisable to do meticulous research when choosing a school and degree path.

Dual Credit at Home allows you to complete credit work toward your general education requirements no matter which degree you’re aspiring toward. Not only will this save you money, but it will give you more freedom to pursue activities and interests outside of college, while still earning credits toward your degree. Even if you are undecided about your major, you can still earn credits while exploring your college and career options.

Choosing a college, field of study, and career path is a huge undertaking. Wherever your future lies, you must be prepared to work hard to achieve your goals. Dual Credit at Home can help you prepare, no matter which path you choose.