The other day my friend was enjoying visiting with another mom who was wrapping up her first year of home schooling. She was discouraged that she still had seven weeks of “curriculum” to go before she could be “done.”
Many of us can remember our beginnings too, whether they were last year or a decade ago. And some of us have even had the taste of closure, at least for some of our kids.
As my friend saw this mom’s discouragement, she remembered that when we get weary we often just need another perspective.
So how about asking your children how they viewed the year?
It may surprise you! A cup of their favorite cold drink and some snacks will certainly bring the students to you for your end-of-the-year evaluation.
Here are some suggestions that are sure to spark a conversation!
1. What did you enjoy most about this school year?
My friend asked this of her kids and what they had to say brought her a ton of relief! Her oldest son loved “taking off” school to work with his dad. The children all loved being able to purchase and raise their own farm animals…many days had been spent with books in hand while chickens pecked at the pencils. (Not sure how much “academic” work got done on those days!) Like her, you may find the greatest memories were made away from the desk…perhaps field trips, shopping days, or other events sparked great memories for them. Remember, while “school” is important, relationships are more important.
2. If you could change two things to make next year better, what would they be?
Two is just a random number here. If they give you one change, take it and run with it! And if they give you five legitimate requests for change, be open to them. But be prepared for crazy answers like “no more school” or “no math”…it’s ok to let them feel you out, let them know that you can take whatever they suggest. Be prepared to ask for examples to help them explain their thoughts better. Ask leading questions like “What would that look like in a day?” or “How could you help me incorporate that into your time?”
3. Do you feel you have grown closer to the Lord this year?
Many of us home school with the encouragement of scripture found in Deuteronomy 6:7. It tells us to teach the biblical truths to our children where we sit, where we walk, when we lie and when we rise! So an encouraging result would be to see spiritual growth in our children.
Again, if we ask leading questions, we can determine the areas in which they struggle and areas that are bringing spiritual growth. Evaluate how you as a parent have helped or hindered this growth, and how you can encourage it.
Make sure you tell your children how much you have loved being their teacher and with both their help and God’s grace, you will be even better next week, next month, and next year.
Thank them for creating great memories for you! Share with them a few things you have loved most about them from this past school year. Have fun remembering the funny stories and incidents that dotted the year (Two we shared were: I had asked what was located between the Tigris and the Euphrates Rivers? While I was wanting to hear “The Garden of Eden,” the answer I got was “The Bermuda Triangle!” Another funny story we had fun remembering was when my 9 year-old recited the names of the three named angels in the Bible. His answer was Michael, Lucifer, and Galadriel.” Close, sort of.)
At this stage of the game we have to stay away from “sharing” where we would like them to change for the next year. Keep it upbeat so they will be willing to evaluate you again next time! Actually, we know the areas we want to see them grow in, and it’s our responsibility to nurture that growth.
More than likely, you’ve done a better job than you think, and your kids will be the first to tell you that! Sometimes looking at life from the eyes of a child will bring everything into clear focus.
I’d love to hear how your kids “corrected” your perspective!