“There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world. Love of books is the best of all.” –Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
As a homeschooling parent, you already know how important reading is. It readily opens doors to adventure, learning, and creativity. But a love of reading doesn’t always come naturally. It needs to be nurtured and developed over time, and it starts with you. Here are some simple ways to instill the love of books and reading in your children.

Read Aloud Everyday
Reading out loud to your children is probably the most important thing you can do to teach the joy of reading. Toddlers will enjoy snuggling up, looking at pictures, and listening to your voice. Older kids will get lost in their own imaginations as the story comes to life for them in a way that movies and TV shows can’t portray. All children will learn to connect the stories they hear with the words they see on the page.
Let Your Kids See You Reading
As with many other aspects of parenting, you have to model the behavior you want to see. If your children see you reading, they will be more likely to read themselves. Whether it’s the newspaper, your Bible, a magazine, or a favorite novel, take the time to immerse yourself in the written word.
Keep a Wide Variety of Reading Materials Around
Some children are intimidated by the thought of reading books. Be sure the reading materials you provide are varied and appeal to your kids’ interests. Magazines, comics, field guides, and newspapers are all great resources.
Use the Internet as Just One of Many Resources
The internet is a powerful tool for researching and learning, but your kids should know that it has its limits. For one thing, it’s very easy to get lost on the internet and very hard to stay focused. While Google is an expert at finding things online, it can also hinder your child’s ability to research and process information. If your child comes to you with a question, look to your bookshelf first, and the internet second.
Visit Your Local Library
A library card is like a key to the world — as important as a passport. Browsing the shelves of books and magazines will allow your child to explore new interests, and choosing new books on a regular basis will encourage them to keep up with their reading.
Your kids are never too young to start exploring the written word. Read often, and make books a part of your life, every single day.
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