probably each one of you has used flashcards to study for a test or memorize vocabulary terms. Flashcards are fast and portable, making it easy to study just about anywhere, for two minutes, or 20. Whether you dread using them, or think of them as long lost friends, the truth is flashcards work — if they are used correctly.
The secret is not to put too much information onto your flashcards — just one question with one answer. Sounds easy? That’s because it is!! Here are some more tips for using flashcards effectively.
![Flashcard Tips for Preparing for an Exam Flashcard Tips for Preparing for an Exam](
Make your flashcards simple, but not too simple. Making flashcards is a great way to summarize complex topics. According to Persistence Unlimited, you should write one question on the front, and summarize your answer on the back. Be sure to cover the concept you are learning thoroughly, but not so thoroughly that you get bogged down while studying.
Make your flashcards as you’re taking notes. Flashcards are easy and quick to make. Keep a stack of notecards handy and whip up some of your flashcards as you’re reading and taking notes. Dates, names, and important terms can all be made into flashcards in no time at all.
Keep your flashcards with you at all times. Studying flashcards is fast and efficient, which means you can study while you’re in line at the bank, while you’re waiting for an appointment, or when you’re eating lunch.
Review your flashcards everyday. Or how about three times each day? You’ll be amazed at how fast you learn new information. If you can answer a card correctly for a couple of days in a row, put that card aside for the time being and pull it out a week or so before your exam.
Try Quizlet. Yes, there’s an app for that! Quizlet lets you create flashcards on your phone or computer with six powerful study modes to help you learn quickly and easily. There are ready-made study sets for all kinds of topics, or you can make your own – just like real flashcards, without the pen and paper.
Flashcards are a great way to learn new topics. You will be learning the material as you think of questions and write them down, and you’ll continue to learn as you study your cards. Whether you create traditional flashcards or give Quizlet a try, flashcards should be an integral part of your exam preparation.
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