As any homeschooling parent knows, curricula and textbooks are expensive, especially if you’re teaching every single subject to more than one child. You can save money on homeschool textbooks by planning carefully and networking with your homeschool group. Here are five more ways to save money on homeschool textbooks.

5 Ways to Save Money on Homeschool Textbooks Next Year

Attend a Local Homeschool Curriculum Swap

Many homeschool groups organize swaps and it’s a great way to find some serious deals on textbooks and other homeschooling supplies. Reach out to your local group to find out when the next swap is, and if there isn’t one planned, maybe you should consider organizing one. If you live in a rural area without a support network, you can visit an online curriculum swap. Check out or the Used Homeschool Books Facebook page.

Buy or Rent Used Textbooks Online

Did you know that you can rent textbooks on Amazon Rentals are just a fraction of the cost of a new textbook, and are generally available to rent for a semester (about five months). You can extend the rental if you need the book longer, but then it becomes less cost effective. Ebay and are great resources for used textbooks too, but you may not be able to find obscure titles.

Use the Library

As homeschoolers, you probably already know what a great resource the library is, especially if there is an interlibrary loan program. Many textbooks are available for loan, which may not be helpful for long-term use, but it’s great if you want to try something out, or if you are using a book to supplement a curriculum you already own.

Beware of Buyer’s Remorse

As soon as you purchase your curriculum for the year, there’s a good chance that you’ll read about some incredible new program that you have to try. If you plan your school year thoughtfully, preview textbooks before buying, and read honest reviews about textbooks and curriculum, you can avoid making purchases that you’ll regret later.

Sell Textbooks You No Longer Use

Your textbooks don’t have to collect dust when the homeschool year is over. Why help out your fellow homeschoolers and make a few extra bucks? Rent a table at your next homeschool curriculum swap or use the links above to sell your used books online.

Buying homeschool textbooks and curriculum can be expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. With careful planning and a little research, you can keep much of that hard-earned money in your wallet where it belongs.

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