Homeschooling through high school may just be one of the most rewarding things you ever do. That’s not to say it’s easy. There’s a lot to consider — your child’s interests, goals, and learning styles play an important role in your four-year plan, as will your state’s requirements along with the resources available to you.
While it may seem overwhelming at first, the most important aspect of homeschooling through high school is developing a plan to guide you and your teen through the process. Here’s what you need to know to create a four-year plan for high school.

What Are the High School Requirements Set Forth by Your State?
If you’ve been homeschooling for any length of time, you should be well aware of the homeschooling regulations put in place by your specific state. These are the same for all students, no matter what grade they’re in.
Homeschoolers are not required to meet the high school graduation requirements of their home state, but you may find it helpful to take a look at the state graduation requirements when creating your own four-year plan.
What Are Your Teen’s Interests and Goals for the Future?
Obviously, your eighth grader may not have their future plans nailed down, but they will start to have an idea about the direction they want to go in. Take time to talk with them about their interests and goals – their favorite subjects, favorite hobbies, and careers they are interested in.
Knowing your child’s interests and goals will help you decide if they should be studying French, marine biology, or European history! It will also help you work toward creating a transcript that will give them leverage in the college or career of their choice.
What are the Resources Available to You?
As a homeschooling parent, you you know how to find educational resources for your students. Now is the time to assess those resources and their cost to help you make your four-year plan. During the high school years, you’re moving from full-time teacher to guidance counselor.
Your students will do most of their learning independently while you offer support. Homeschoolers can often take advantage of co-ops, mentorships, and volunteer opportunities right in your local community. You will also want to consider online courses and dual credit options.
As you answer the questions above, you will begin to create a loose framework for homeschooling through the high school years. At Dual Credit at Home, we’ve got a great template to help you solidify your four-year plan for high school.
You can download it for free and use it to hash out your schedule, plus extracurricular activities, exams, and credits. With a four-year plan in place, you are one step closer to helping your teens reach their full potential and thrive as homeschoolers.
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