I have a government job, and this comes with plenty of perks and plenty of headaches.
Just recently a woman in my department wanted to apply for a management position in the same department. She was a wonderful candidate, as she was hard working, knowledgeable about everything in the department, and a wonder with patrons.

Unfortunately, she didn’t have her degree, and as soon as she read that line she withdrew her application. It is sad, but this scenario plays out across the country countless times every day.
Employment opportunities are often exclusively for college graduates.
This is especially the case with government jobs. We are more and more living in a world with less mom and pop and instead huge corporations.
These corporations don’t have time to watch your teen grow up and know the character embedded in them, so instead, they rely on colleges to put their stamp of approval and then select candidates only from that pool. According to a recent study by Georgetown University 65% of all job openings between now and 2020 will require education beyond a high school diploma.
Pay scales are often dictated by education.
If you have ever heard of the phrase “pay commensurate with experience,” then you understand what I’m talking about.
If your teen is applying to a job that requires some college, that degree in generalized studies could bump their starting pay considerably.
Ultimately you can make anything out of a degree in generalized studies.
Your teen can use the degree to get an excellent first job, use it as platform to get a graduate degree, or simply use it as a confidence booster.
Every single person who graduates with their masters degree started out covering the basic course requirements that every college establishes. A generalized studies degree can help fulfill this requirement. No matter how far you want to go, the basics are always your first step.
Plenty of people have said that one of the steps for upward mobility in life is to go to college. I oftentimes hear about the first person in a family to graduate from college, and what an occasion that is. Whether your teen is the first person in your family to tackle this enormous task or not, we can all agree that it is a huge step that can reap lifelong rewards.
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