Homeschooling a teenager can be one of the most rewarding (and exasperating) things a parent will ever do.
High school students are well on their way to learning independently, but as every parent knows, they’re not always quite there yet.
Here are some simple ways you can help motivate your high school freshman.

Let Your Freshman Have a Say in Which Courses They Take
Allowing your new high schooler to choose some of their courses will go a long way toward helping them own their education.
As your teen’s teacher and guidance counselor, you should already have a good idea of what courses they need to complete their high school education, but the more flexibility you can give them within that framework, the better.
They may need four credits of Language Arts, but there are numerous ways to earn those credits. Perhaps they are interested in creative writing, novels, or analyzing books that are made into movies. All of these can be developed into high-school level courses.
If your student has a say in what he’s learning, he’s much more likely to be motivated to learn.
Allow Teens to Create Their Own Schedule
As long as your freshman knows what is expected of them each day (or each week), it is a good idea to let them create a schedule that works for them.
Time management is an important skill, and students who can work independently now, with a parent’s guidance, will have an easier time when they go away to college or get their first job.
Find Mentors to Help Your Teens Explore Their Passions
It is worth every ounce of creativity you can muster to help your teen find caring adults who share their passions and can give them some direction.
A mentor could be an employer, college professor, or neighbor — the only criteria is that they share an interest and are willing to work with your student, formally or informally.
Internships and apprenticeships are great ways for your students to learn from an expert and gain valuable skills, but mentors can also be found at your church or within your homeschool community.
It is normal for your high school freshman to be an unmotivated and restless teenager once in a while. But if things are feeling stale in your homeschool, or your teen seems unmotivated, these simple changes might help get things back on track.
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