For most of us, the month of May represents the end of the school year, and that’s a celebration time for everyone. But for some families, there is the additional joy of planning a graduation ceremony!
Many local cooperatives or state organizations hold formal ceremonies, but some students aren’t interested in all the “pomp and circumstance”.

For a graduating student, this is the end of most of their educational journey. For a homeschool parent, there is a desire to celebrate a job well done.
So how do you balance a family ceremony with traditional flair? Here are a few ideas to make your graduate’s day shine.
Dream big, even for a small crowd. By the time your student is ready to graduate from high school, you will likely have spent years planning, teaching, and grading.
Much of the effort was divided between you and your student. This time of celebration should be shared as well.
Discuss what elements you would like to see in a ceremony. Will it be traditional with cap and gown and a congratulatory handshake or will the diploma simply be displayed in a place of honor for all to see?
Do you have a budget? Will there be a meal? Cake and punch? Make a list of dream elements, then plan according to your budget and time constraints.
Graduation requirements. Be certain that you have investigated the homeschool graduation requirements for your state well in advance. Some states are very specific while others leave the requirements to the parents to decide.
May is a traditional month for graduation, but most homeschool students can graduate any time of year. Dual Credit at Home has a wonderful homeschool transcript template available for families to use in preparation for graduation and best of all, it’s FREE!
Watching your student’s transcript come to life as they complete their final credits is an exhilarating feeling.
Take senior pictures. Photo documentation of your child’s senior year doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Even if your senior isn’t fond of having their picture taken, select pictures from a variety of activities throughout the year and compile them into a senior announcement.
If printing announcements is not within your budget, consider a short video for social media, then share with friends and family in virtual form. What a blessing it will be to have this momento for years to come.
Share a meal. One way to join together with friends and family to celebrate is by sharing a meal. Consider a favorite restaurant, catered dinner or a potluck.
Before dining, present your senior with their diploma and allow him or her to thank the friends and family in attendance. The prayer for your meal could include a time of blessing for your senior.
Plan a trip. Often senior classes will plan a senior trip to wrap up their year. Why should a homeschool student not consider the same?
Gather a few friends together and plan a senior trip to a state theme park, professional ballgame, state park, or other place of interest. Group rates are almost always available and if planning is done early enough, the prices can be further reduced.
Graduation, although an important milestone, doesn’t have to be an extravagant event. Whatever you decide to do, celebrate the years of patience, frustration, achievement, learning and love, with purpose and in a way that honors your student while saying, “Well done!”.
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