When it comes to studying world religions, having a Christian worldview is imperative. Your high school student needs a solid foundation in order to decipher truth from error as they study various belief systems.
We have put together a concise list of resources to help your teen and entire family build a foundational understanding of the religions of the world and how they stand up to God’s Word. This guide is by no means exhaustive but is a great place to start!
**Note: These resources are not exam prep resources as the World Religions CLEP is not written from a Christian perspective. These recommended resources are meant to help parents and teens facilitate their discussions and discern truth.

Pocket Guide to World Religions by Winfried Corduan
“Here is a concise, informative guide for anyone looking for answers to basic questions about the world’s varied religions. In short, incisive chapters, Winfried Corduan introduces readers to twelve of the world’s major religions, including Baha’i, Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Daoism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Parsi, Shinto and Sikhism.”
Understanding World Religions by Irving Hexham
“Understanding World Religions presents religion as a complex and intriguing matrix of history, philosophy, culture, beliefs, and practices. Hexham believes that a certain degree of objectivity and critique is inherent in the study of religion, and he guides readers in responsible ways of carrying this out.”
Encountering World Religions by Irving Hexham
“The diversity of the world’s religions has come to the West, but believers are often ill-equipped for any kind of serious engagement with non-Christians. In Encountering World Religions, professor and author Irving Hexham introduces all the world’s major religious traditions in a brief and understandable way.”
Charts of World Religions by H. Wayne House
“Charts of World Religions provides an invaluable resource for students and anyone interested in understanding today’s complex religious mosaic. It allows quick comparison and contrast of numerous religions. In clear, easy-to-understand charts, this book provides vital information on such topics as the origins of different religions, the nature of deity or ultimate spiritual reality, the source of spiritual truth, the nature of the human predicament, and the nature of salvation/enlightenment/liberation.”
Encyclopedic Dictionary of Cults, Sects, and World Religions by Larry A. Nichols (Author), George Mather (Author), Alvin J. Schmidt (Author)
“This extensively revised edition includes new topics, updated information, and a brand-new format for a clearer, more organized approach. The authors evaluate the beliefs and practices of each group from the perspective of the Bible and the historic creeds of the Christian church. You’ll also find group histories, numerous illustrations, charts, current statistics, websites, bibliographies, and other useful information.”
Their Rock Is Not Like Our Rock by Daniel Strange
“There has been little evangelical theology offering a detailed, comprehensive, and biblically faithful analysis not only of the question of salvation but also questions of truth, the nature and history of human religiosity, and a host of other issues pertaining to Christian apologetics and contextualization amid religious pluralism. In Their Rock is Not Like Our Rock, lecturer and vice principal of Oak Hill College in London, Daniel Strange, explores these issues and offers the beginning of a theology of other religions.”
Masonic Lodge by George Mather (Author), Larry A. Nichols (Author), Alan W. Gomes (Series Editor)
“Many make the mistake of thinking because a thing is common, it is probably harmless. Masonic Temples are everywhere. Are the Masons just another “service organization”? Though their rites are secret, Masons assure others that their practices are totally compatible with Christianity. But there is an injunction to each Mason to practice ‘his particular religious creed, that revelation of the Deity which is recognized by his religion.’ What really goes on behind the Temple door? Here is a discerning, detailed response.”
Jehovah’s Witnesses by Robert M. Bowman Jr. (Author), Alan W. Gomes (Series Editor)
“The zeal and dedication of Jehovah’s Witnesses mask a highly disciplined organization that has a troubled history. Moreover, their thorough knowledge of their own scriptures gives a pretense of having spiritual truth. The movement has grown from about 1.1 million worldwide in 1965 to 4.4 million today. Yet all is not what it seems in the Watchtower Society. How do the teachings of the Jehovah’s Witnesses run counter to orthodox Christianity? What drives adherents to give hundreds of hours a year to “witnessing”? What draws converts to a cult of strict control by religious leaders?”
The Challenge of the Cults and New Religions by Ron Rhodes
“In this essential resource, preeminent cult authority Ron Rhodes explains what cults are, why they are cause for concern, and why in the 21st century, as never before, their numbers and memberships are exploding nationally and worldwide. Drawing on his extensive experience as a cult researcher, Rhodes offers to-the-point, cutting-edge information on twelve major cults and new religions.”
Charts of Cults, Sects, and Religious Movements by H. Wayne House
“When you want well-organized, essential information on one of the many cults, sects, and movements that dot today’s religious landscape, this collection of charts is invaluable. It gives you both the overview and the details on the most significant groups, starting with facts about history, membership, worship practices, leaders, and publications for a given group.”
Hinduism, TM, and Hare Krishna by J. Isamu Yamamoto (Author), Alan W. Gomes (Series Editor)
“In the sixties, Transcendental Meditation, a Hindu-based movement, became fashionable as a way to therapy and psychological well-being — especially after being endorsed by the Beatles and the Beach Boys. Its influence waned, ironically, after the courts decided that TM was a religion rather than a form of therapy, as TM had claimed. But its popularity helped open the doors to a wider acceptance of Eastern philosophy and religions in mainstream America. Another Americanized form of Hinduism is Hare Krishna.”
Mormonism by Kurt Van Gorden (Author), Alan W. Gomes (Series Editor)
“With their strong emphasis on traditional family values, education, discipline, and service, Mormons sound and look more “Christian” than many believers. At first glance, there seems to be little to criticize in what they say or do. But peel back the façade, and you find a cult with its roots in immorality and heresy.”
Buddhism by J. Isamu Yamamoto (Author), Alan W. Gomes (Series Editor)
“In this volume and the volume on Hinduism in this series together present a comprehensive overview of Eastern religions, their views, and their impact on contemporary North America. This book includes – A concise introduction to Eastern religions – An overview of the movement’s theology — in their own words – A biblical response – Tips for witnessing effectively – A bibliography with sources for further study – A chart comparing the groups’ beliefs with biblical Christianity.”
Unitarian Universalism by Zondervan (Author), Alan W. Gomes (Series Editor)
“Fast, informed answers to the challenges of false religions — This is an age when countless groups and movements, new and old, mark the religious landscape in our culture. As a result, many people are confused or uncertain in their search for spiritual truth and meaning. Because few people have the time or opportunity to research these movements fully, the Zondervan Guide to Cults and Religious Movements series provides essential information and insights for their spiritual journeys.”
Goddess Worship, Witchcraft, and Neo-Paganism by Craig Hawkins (Author), Alan W. Gomes (Series Editor)
“The twentieth century has seen a remarkable revival of “the Old Religion,” as adherents of New-paganism call the native religious traditions of Europe and tribal traditions from North America that predated Christianity. Many neo-pagan groups identify with Celtic (Druidic), Egyptian, Native American, Norse, or Roman traditions; others with modern science-fiction motifs; and still others with witchcraft. Neo-paganism is occultic in nature. A central figure in much of Neo-paganism is the Mother Goddess, who has been introduced and worshiped among certain feminists even in some mainline Protestant churches.”
Understanding the Koran by Mateen Elass
“Understanding the Koran gives you a fascinating essential grasp of Islam’s holy book: where it came from, what it teaches, how Muslims view it, and how the Allah of the Koran compares with the God of the Bible. Cherished as the final, perfect revelation of God’s will by 1.2 billion Muslims worldwide, the Koran has become a part of American life.”
The Mosaic Course: Understanding World Religions from a Christian Perspective by Mathew P. John
“This book answers this complex question by taking readers on an exciting journey exploring hidden revelations of Jesus Christ in world religions. Used in conjunction with the Mosaic Video Series available at themosaiccourse.org, Christians are equipped to engage in open and respectful dialogue with people of differing worldviews.”
Understanding World Religions in 15 Minutes a Day by Garry R. Morgan
“What once seemed like the religions of exotic faraway lands are now practiced by families next door. Understanding World Religions: in 15 Minutes a Day provides easily digestible readings that give an overview of the beliefs, histories, and practices of dozens of religions, including Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, and many more.”
Christianity, Cults & Religions, Pamphlet
“Christianity, Cults and Religions will help you know what you believe and why! Packed with side-by-side comparison charts, simple summaries, and up-to-date overviews, this easy-to-understand pamphlet will help you quickly compare the key beliefs of 20 different religions and cults to Christianity! See what they believe, what Christians believe, and how to correct common misunderstandings— at a glance! Strengthen your understanding of Christianity and get practical insight on how to reach out to those of different faiths.”
Neighboring Faiths: A Christian Introduction to World Religions by Winfried Corduan
“Neighboring Faiths emphasizes not just formal religious teachings but also how each religion is practiced in daily life. Dozens of photographs, charts and maps help illustrate how the faiths are lived out in contemporary culture. Moving beyond mere description, Corduan offers specific suggestions for how Christians can avoid giving unnecessary offense to followers of these faiths while engaging them in constructive dialogue.”
So What’s the Difference by Fritz Ridenour
“How does orthodox Christianity differ from other faiths? In a straightforward, noncritical comparison, Ridenour explores the basic tenets of twenty worldviews, religions, and faiths.”
No God but One: Allah or Jesus? By Nabeel Qureshi
“This book addresses the most important questions at the interface of Islam and Christianity: How do the two religions differ? Are the differences significant? Can we be confident that either Christianity or Islam is true? And most important, is it worth sacrificing everything for the truth?”
Understanding the Faith: A Survey of Christian Apologetics by Jeff Myers
“The understanding of absolute, objective truth has been largely lost. Spend just a few minutes discussing politics or religion and you’ll hear responses like, “There is no truth!” or “That may be true for you, but not for me.” Understanding the Faith dares to wade into the middle of the controversy with chapters answering the following questions: Is God Christian? Isn’t Claiming Truth Intolerant? Is the Bible Anti-Science?”
Understanding the Times: A Survey of Competing Worldview by David A. Noebel and Jeff Myers
“This book is the landmark guide to understanding the ideas and forces shaping our times. Understanding the Times offers a fascinating, comprehensive look at how the tenets of the Christian worldview compares with five major competing worldviews of our day: Islam, Secularism, Marxism, New Spirituality, and Postmodernism.”
DVD/Online Streaming
Understanding World Religions (DVD) by Irving Hexham
“Understanding World Religions Video Lectures features 26 lessons (on 3 DVDs), exploring various religions under the broad categories of African Religions, the Yogic Traditions (including Buddhism), and the Abrahamic traditions.”
How do you know that Christianity is the one true worldview? (YouTube) by Ravi Zacharias and John Njoroge
“Exclusivity is one of the most popular charges leveled against the Christian faith. Here, author and apologist Ravi Zacharias and RZIM speaker John Njoroge challenge the assumption that Christianity is alone in making exclusive claims.”
Christianity, Cults & Religions (DVD Curriculum Kit) by Paul Cardin
“The Christianity, Cults & Religions DVD-based study helps Christians know what they believe and why. By comparing Christianity with groups such as Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses, people have a better grasp about what the Bible says about who Jesus is and the message of the Gospel. This six-session study simply explains the history, background, and beliefs of the most common world religions and cultic groups: Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses and other groups.”
World Religion Basics (Free online course) by the Gospel Coalition
“The content for this course is provided courtesy of ChristianUniversity.org, the eLearning ministry of Our Daily Bread Ministries.”
The Mosaic Course (Free Online Course) by Dr. Mathew P. John
“The Mosaic Course is an online learning platform which explores the foundational belief systems and practices of six major living religions in the world from a Christian perspective. Each module features a series of audiovisual presentations, reflection questions, practical exercises and downloadable resources.”
Why is Islam growing so rapidly? (Youtube) by Alan Shlemon
“Alan Shlemon, a speaker for Summit Ministries, discusses the reasons why Islam has been growing so much in recent times.”
“Why Are You a Christian?” A Differentiating Answer (YouTube) by J. Warner Wallace
“In this video, detective J. Warner Wallace explains how Christians can differentiate themselves from followers of other religions by improving their answers to the question ‘Why are you a Christian?’”
Online Blogs and Articles
“Ravi Zacharias and the RZIM team provide a variety of articles that challenge and answer your toughest questions on culture, faith, suffering, science, and more.”
“Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively. We focus on providing answers to questions about the Bible—particularly the book of Genesis—regarding key issues such as creation, evolution, science, and the age of the earth.”
The Elephant in the Room: Competing Worldviews and Religions Can’t All Be True by Jeff Myers and David Noebel
“In questioning the truth or falsehood of various worldviews, we risk a great deal. Whether we accept Christianity, Islam, Secularism, Marxism, New Spirituality, or Postmodernism, we accept a worldview that describes the others as hopelessly distorted. They cannot all depict things as they really are; their competing claims cannot all be true.”
“Ravi Zacharias and the RZIM team provide a variety of podcasts online and on iTunes that challenge and answer your toughest questions on culture, faith, suffering, science, and more.”
“Summit Ministries’ mission is to cultivate rising generations to resolutely champion a biblical worldview. Our programming consists of two-week conferences for 16-25-year-olds in multiple locations across the U.S. We also offer semester-long programs for collegiate-level students. Our publishing division offers resources for Christian schools, homeschool, and churches. Alumni in our programs are networked around the world with the aim of driving impact in their communities.”
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