Gardening can teach teenagers about biology, botany, and nutrition. In addition, it is a great way to get teenagers outside. If you are homeschooling your kids this year, a fall garden is a way to bring learning to life. While most people think that springtime is the best season for planting, you can actually plant a wonderful fall garden in late summer as well.

Plant Seeds at the Right Time
If you want a fall garden, check this list of planting times to see when you should plant everything. In general, you will need to plant your seeds between late July and early September. While beets have to be planted by the end of June, radishes can be planted at the end of September.
Help Teens Find Value in Gardening
Some teenagers love gardening and will jump at the chance to spend a few hours outside. For other teenagers, you will need to help them find value in gardening. For example, you could encourage your teenager to sell products to friends and family members. You can also use gardening as a replacement for different aspects of their schoolwork.
Incorporate Flowers
While growing produce is a practical goal, some teenagers will prefer to plant flowers. If you want your teens to love this experience, you should get them involved in the planning process. They may want to create a butterfly garden, harvest an herb garden, or grow exotic flowers.
Invite Friends Over
Teenagers love being around their friends, so they are more likely to enjoy gardening if they can do it with their friends. Plus, inviting others over gives teens a chance to show off. Each friend can work on a different plot in the garden.
Buy the Right Plants
If you are growing a vegetable garden, you should be selective about the plants you use. Plants like kale and collards can handle a frost, so they are ideal for fall. In addition, these greens develop a sweet flavor after their leaves are exposed to the cold.
Short season vegetables like radishes are also ideal for this time of year. If you are uncertain about what to plant, you can always visit your local plant shop. Before fall starts, these shops will start selling seeds that are designed for cooler weather.
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