If you’re homeschooling your teen, you might find that he or she is struggling to learn at home. This can be frustrating. However, homeschooling can provide a great deal of flexibility when it comes to educating your children. Here are some tips that might help your child learn more while studying at home.

Adapt to His or Her Learning Style
Some students will have trouble learning from reading alone. Some people are auditory learners who grasp more from hearing about a concept than reading about it. Others are kinesthetic learners who learn by doing. Designing lesson plans that play to your teen’s strengths are a great way to ensure he learns more.
Change Curriculum Providers
There are many different curriculum options for those who teach their kids at home. If your teen is bored with one option, you might want to decide to change it up. This might be difficult if you’re in the middle of the year, but talk other options over with your teen to see if another might motivate him more.
Provide Incentives
Many students need to be motivated to engage in the learning process. Schoolwork can seem like endless drudgery for kids who aren’t encouraged to complete their lessons. However, most teens will have interests outside of school. Perhaps your teen wants to visit Disney World or Yosemite National Park. If you have the resources to provide such an incentive, it might be a great way to motivate your kid to learn.
Look Into a Co-op
If you live in an area with a decent population, you might have other options available to help your teen learn more. Many towns have enough homeschooling families to set up a homeschool co-op. These cooperative educational endeavors allow parents who have more specialized knowledge to teach those subjects. Co-ops allow for a change of pace, and they can also allow your teen to interact with other kids her age while simultaneously giving you a break.
Take Some Field Trips
Depending upon where you live, there might be some impressive museums in your area. Natural history museums and planetariums are great for learning about science. History museums can fill out your student’s understanding of the past and do a better job of bringing it to life than most books. If you’re in a co-op, these field trips can provide positive interactions with other homeschooling families.
Look Into Dual Credit at Home
Many colleges offer high school students the option to earn credit toward an undergraduate degree. If your teen is already at home, it might be worth knocking out a high school credit while also earning credit for college. The fact that college classes will stay on a college transcript might motivate your teen to put in her maximum effort.
Dual Credit at Home can help teens study high school subjects on a college-level to earn college credits by exam. We provide weekly Study Plans that replace traditional high school curriculum.
We deliver these Study Plans straight to you or your parent’s email inbox each week. The Study Plans will tell you exactly what to study and how to study. By the time you pass the 13 CLEP & DSST exams, you can have earned up to 51 college credits.
Curious to see what a Study Plan looks like? Download a sample Study Plan now.
If your teen is struggling to learn as a homeschooler, there are many options that can help them learn more. Simply finding a way to motivate them might work. You might also look into changing your curriculum provider or attempt to find ways to cater to your teen’s learning style to help them learn more.
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