I remember Mom taking me to the University of Houston testing center. I knew the receptionists there by name. When Mom had the planning down, and I was studied up, I would take 2 at a time to cut down on driving time. Mom was juggling so many plates that there rarely was the time to just focus on getting me to a test. The whole ordeal normally involved getting me there early and the rest of the family enjoying a field trip to the zoo. Fifteen years later and a pandemic fading in the rearview mirror, remote proctoring has fortunately made the testing center optional.

What is remote CLEP proctoring?
Remote CLEP proctoring is best understood as exactly the same thing that it always has been – except by video instead of in person. You will need a camera and the proctor will be watching and interacting with you mostly before and after the test. Remote proctoring is offered for CLEP tests and when you register for the test they send you a code to complete your registration with the third party proctor, Proctortrack. You will need to create an account with this third party. You will have already paid for the proctoring through the CLEP checkout process.
Am I eligible for remote CLEP proctoring?
Remote proctoring has been made available for all students. At this point this a service that CLEP provides and, while brought about by Covid, isn’t something that The College Board has placed an end date on. There are some system requirements for remote proctoring and you can find those here. You will need to download their software(1.6MB) to take the test.
How does it work?
The process on testing day is very similar to testing in the center. The College Board has some notes for the overall process here and some for the day of here. You will be expected to provide an ID and they will also complete a face scan that you provide when you initially register with ProctorTrack. The proctor will only be able to communicate with you through the chat option. They will have you complete a scan of the room to confirm that it is acceptable and secure from prompts and hints. There will be prompts on screen and from the proctor to complete all of these steps. Notes are only allowed on a dry erase board, and at the end, they will have you erase any notes that you have taken.
What are the drawbacks for remote CLEP proctoring?
I definitely miss the testing center administrators who followed along with my DCAH journey and several of my siblings. They were a huge encouragement. Testing centers provide a structured environment that might be a help to some students. Remote proctoring is only able to provide accommodations under the ADA for screen magnification, modifiable screen colors, extended time, and untimed breaks. A testing center might be a good option if you have a need for a different accommodation allowed by the ADA.
The remote proctoring does come with a fee of $30. While this is a fee, it is currently less than my local testing center’s fee of $33.
Please let us know if you have any questions about the remote proctoring process.
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