Summer is a great time for students to relax and enjoy the end of the school year. If you are anything like us, you have a few books you want to scratch off your list. Summer reading can be an excellent way to integrate our faith into our literary journey. We hope you enjoy this list of books that we think will both entertain and inspire Christian homeschool high school students throughout their summer break.

“The Hiding Place” by Corrie ten Boom:
“The Hiding Place” recounts the true story of Corrie ten Boom, a devout Christian who, along with her family, helped Jews escape the Nazis during World War II. This powerful memoir showcases the strength of faith and the importance of forgiveness in the midst of unimaginable circumstances.
“To Kill A Mockingbird” by Harper Lee
An American classic set in the Deep South. Viewed through the eyes of young Jean Louis Finch the happenings of Maycomb, Alabama come to life. Her experiences bring us face to face with many themes, but the book revolves around race and our fear of the unknown.
“The Screwtape Letters” by C.S. Lewis:
In this satirical masterpiece, C.S. Lewis creatively explores the nature of temptation and the battle between good and evil. Written as a series of letters from a senior demon to his nephew, “The Screwtape Letters” offers a unique perspective on spiritual warfare and the power of faith.
“Pilgrim’s Progress” by John Bunyan:
Regarded as one of the most influential works in Christian literature, “Pilgrim’s Progress” follows the allegorical journey of a character named Christian. Through various encounters and obstacles, the book beautifully illustrates the struggles, victories, and ultimate hope found in the Christian walk.
“The Reason for God” by Timothy Keller:
Addressing common doubts and objections to Christianity, “The Reason for God” presents a thoughtful and intellectual examination of the Christian faith. Timothy Keller provides compelling arguments and logical reasoning, making it an ideal resource for those seeking answers to tough questions.
“The Chronicles of Narnia” by C.S. Lewis:
This beloved series of fantasy novels serves as an allegory for Christian theology and moral principles. Through captivating adventures in the land of Narnia, C.S. Lewis skillfully weaves Christian themes, fostering spiritual reflection and a deeper understanding of biblical concepts.
“Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy” by Eric Metaxas:
This biographical account explores the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German theologian and pastor who resisted the Nazi regime during World War II. Bonhoeffer’s unwavering faith and commitment to Christ, even in the face of persecution, serve as a powerful example of Christian courage and conviction.
As Christian homeschool high school students embark on their summer break, this reading list provides an assortment of books that will entertain, challenge, and inspire them. These literary works delve into deep theological concepts, showcase the power of faith in challenging circumstances, and offer intellectual insights into the Christian worldview. By incorporating these books into their summer reading, students will not only broaden their literary horizons but also deepen their understanding of their faith, ultimately equipping them for their future journeys as disciples of Christ.
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