There is a popular song that is getting a lot of airtime on Christian radio stations. Recently, its title phrase has been burning in my mind: “Fear, He Is A Liar”.
This is not the fear that protects from being foolish.
It is the fear that caused Moses to doubt his abilities when God called him to lead (Exodus 3); It is the fear that sent Elijah from the heights of boldness on Mount Carmel to cowardly running and wishing for death (I Kings 18:20-19:4); It is the fear that caused Peter to deny Christ three times (Luke 22:54-62).
Where does this fear come from? When did it enter the scene?

It was in the Garden of Eden.
As Adam and Eve let their gaze and allegiance be distracted from God, they sinned and Fear entered the scene. It was crippling. They hid from God. They cast blame at one another (Genesis 3:8-13).
Consider another scene in Peter’s life.
He and the disciples were on their boat. The wind and the waves were beating against them as Jesus approaches. He was walking on the water! They think he is a ghost and they are fearful. Jesus tries to calm them with His words.
Peter, in a moment of boldness, cries out, “If it is You Lord, allow me to walk out to you.” Jesus says, “Come.” Amazingly, Peter steps out of the boat and walks on the water! No other person can claim such a feat!
But things change when Peter takes his gaze off Jesus and focuses on the wind and the waves that surround him. He begins to sink! (Luke 14:22-33)
What evokes fear in you? Are you afraid of illness; of financial disasters; of family crisis; of children ignoring all you are trying to teach them?
Take a moment to define the costume that Fear wears as he enters the stage of your life.
Fear can be cued by real threats, but when it derails us, it is often a matter of focus.
Moses was afraid of speaking. His focus was on himself and not the God who had called him. Elijah had lost sight of the fact that the God who was with him at Mount Carmel, protecting him in the face of hundreds, could also protect him from ONE queen. Peter’s gaze was drawn away by his circumstances.
Fear feeds us the lie that our problems are too big for our God. Many times we fear something that will never be!
Don’t allow Fear to take over the show! Fear leads to poor decisions, actions, and outcomes.
Fear caused Adam and Eve to hide, to cast blame and to be separated from God. It caused Elijah to run. Fear caused Peter to take his eyes off Jesus and sink.
Satan is Fear’s stage director. He has perfect timing. He will push Fear onto the stage front and center. He will use Fear to obscure our view of the greatness of our God.
Just like a camera, our focus needs regular adjustment. When Fear has frozen you in your tracks, stop and adjust your focus.
Read the Word.
Ask a godly friend to pray with you, counsel you and hold your thoughts accountable.
Cry out to God. Ask him to help you sort the truth from the lies.
Pull out a piece of paper and start a list: God you are….
Follow it with: Because I am yours, I am…
These habits help to readjust our focus from Fear to the ONE who is in control.
Whenever Fear peeks his head around the curtain, know that it is time to refocus your gaze back to your Savior! Always remember that Fear, he is a liar!!
Isaiah 35:4
Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not; behold your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompense; he will come and save you.
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