It is that time again. Another chapter has drawn to a close and a new one begins. Like a clean sheet of paper, it awaits to be filled. Possibly you have given thought to some goals for the New Year. Maybe you have written down some resolutions. You may, like many, already be frustrated with your progress.

I began my list for 2019. I do not call them resolutions; I call it a Bucket List. It somehow relieves some pressure. ☺ I include physical, financial, spiritual, ministry and relational goals on the list. I also include some fun things.
The list may morph as the year progresses. I realize that I will not accomplish it all, but movement in the direction of the goal gives a sense of accomplishment. You know the old adage: “If you aim at nothing, you are sure to hit it.” I was actually feeling pretty good about my list.
Then, I was reading my Bible in my morning quiet time. I am reading in the book of Isaiah. The second half of chapter 9 describes a time that God was disciplining Israel. He had struck down some of their cities and in pride their retort is “WE will rebuild.” Verse 13 summarizes their response.
Isaiah 9:13(ESV): “The people did not turn to him who struck them, nor inquire of the Lord of hosts.”
Isaiah 9 is rich with prophecy about the Messiah, but the fact that these people did not inquire of the Lord was what jumped out at me.
Having just made my annual Bucket List for 2019, the words stopped me in my tracks. How much time did I spend asking God what He would want me to set my eyes on this year? For that matter, how often do I just run into the planning process when there is a problem before me, and fail to inquire of the Lord at all?
I plan. I implement the plan and then I ask the Lord to bless it. How sad!
Ephesians 2:10 (ESV) says “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
I wonder how closely my footsteps have followed His path? My bucket list now has a new item: Build a habit of inquiring of the Lord as I make plans!
Oh, Father, forgive me and help me to always seek you as I make plans or strive to fix a problem! Forgive me of the pride that tempts me to do otherwise!
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