This comprehensive list of CLEP exams can be used by high school students and college students to earn college credits.
Nearly 3,000 colleges and universities across the United States accept CLEP exams and the exams are a great way for students to get an early start on their college degrees.

The College Board, the administrators of CLEP, provides 33 CLEP exams across five broad subjects. CLEP exams are scored from 20 to 80 with a 50 often being the minimum score to pass, but this is also based on the exam and specific institutions. If you have a school in mind already, be sure to check their CLEP policy in advance to make sure they will award credit toward your specific degree plan.
Need a recommendation for a college that is CLEP exam friendly? Attend our free online workshop and learn how teens can earn an accredited bachelor’s degree during high school!
Many homeschoolers are using CLEP exams to earn dual credit. The study of the subject earns credits on the high school transcript, while the actual CLEP exam score goes on a college transcript.
As with all educational programs, we recommend that parents exercise caution and discernment as they choose CLEP exams, and work with their teen through these exams.
Our program, Dual Credit at Home, helps students study for 13 CLEP and DSST exams, earning them up to 51 college credits in 49 weeks!
Composition and Literature CLEP Exams
American Literature CLEP Exam
The American Literature exam overviews the most impactful written pieces and poetry from US history, from the colonial present to modern time. The exam consists of 100 multiple choice questions to be answered in 90 minutes and an optional essay section that requires two essays, a theme summary and analysis of a piece of literature.
Credits typically earned: 3 college credit hours
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature CLEP Exam
This exam includes analysis of both British and American literature, as well as a few translated works. Students are given 98 minutes to answer 80 multiple choice questions. There is also an optional essay section with two essays, a short poem analysis and a theme analysis.
Credits typically earned: 3 college credit hours
Related Article: Analyzing & Interpreting Literature CLEP Exam: What to Expect
College Composition CLEP Exam
The College Composition CLEP exam tests a variety of skills, including analysis, argumentation and research following standard written English principles. The exam consists of two mandatory sections: a 50 minute, 50 question multiple choice section and a two essay section.
Credits typically earned: 6 college credit hours
College Composition Modular CLEP Exam
The modular College Composition CLEP exam covers the same material as the College Composition exam (analysis, argumentation, writing and research) but instead focuses on multiple choice. There are 90 questions to be answered in 90 minutes and an optional two essay section.
Credits typically earned: 3 college credit hours
English Literature CLEP Exam
This exam tests knowledge and analysis of a variety of British literature from many literary periods. The exam requires students to complete 95 multiple choice questions in 90 minutes. There is an optional essay section where students respond to two of three prompts, one required poem analysis and a choice of two thematic topics.
Credits typically earned: 3 college credit hours
Humanities CLEP Exam
This exam tests on a broad range of literature, art, and music throughout history, requiring test takers to understand trends and interpret various works. The exam consists of 140 questions to be completed in 90 minutes. Due to the extensive range of topics and pieces covered in the exam, it is not expected that any one student will be familiar with everything.
Credits typically earned: 3 college credit hours
World Languages CLEP Exams
French Language: Levels 1 and 2 CLEP Exams
The French Language exam covers material from two to three semesters of college courses. The exam consists of three sections with a total of 121 multiple choice questions to be completed in 90 minutes. The first section is a listening completion section, followed by a listening comprehension question, and finally a reading section.
Credits typically earned: 6 college credit hours for Level 1, 9 college credit hours for Level 2
German Language: Levels 1 and 2 CLEP Exams
This exam covers two to three semesters of college-level German instruction. The exam is a total of 120 multiple choice questions in an allotted 90 minutes. There are three sections, each of which is weighted to make each question worth the same. The first two sections are listening based with one section of conversation completion and another for listening comprehension with a final reading section.
Credits typically earned: 6 college credit hours for Level 1, 9 college credit hours for Level 2
Spanish Language: Levels 1 and 2 CLEP Exams
The Spanish language exam covers material taught in approximately two years of college-level study. The 90-minute exam contains 121 multiple choice questions split over three sections, two listening and one reading.
Credits typically earned: 6 college credit hours for Level 1, 9 college credit hours for Level 2
History and Social Sciences CLEP Exams
American Government CLEP Exam
This exam covers one-semester American government topics such as basic civics, political processes, federal courts and the Constitution. Test takers have 90 minutes to complete 100 multiple choice questions.
Credits typically earned: 3 college credit hours
Related Article: American Government CLEP: What to Expect
History of the United States I CLEP Exam
The first section of United States history covers early colonization to 1877, generally the first semester of two. Most of the exam focuses on the period between 1790 and 1877 with a minimal number of questions from before 1500. The exam consists of 120 questions with 90 minutes allotted.
Credits typically earned: 3 college credit hours
Related Article: U.S. History I CLEP Exam: What to Expect
History of the United States II CLEP Exam
This exam covers the second semester of US history, from 1865 to the present day. The exam consists of 120 questions in 90 minutes. As well as identifying and describing historical events, students are also expected to provide interpretation and comparisons.
Credits typically earned: 3 college credit hours
Related Article: U.S. History II CLEP Exam: What to Expect
Human Growth and Development CLEP Exam
This exam covers a one-semester course in developmental psychology. The exam allots 90 minutes to answer 90 questions. Understanding and application of the main theories of development, including physical, cognitive and social, is expected.
Credits typically earned: 3 college credit hours
Introduction to Educational Psychology CLEP Exam
This 100 question, 90-minute exam covers a variety of topics in educational psychology, including cognition, teaching, development and assessment. Test takers should note that while the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) V was published in 2013, the CLEP exam on this subject still tests in the DSM IV.
Credits typically earned: 3 college credit hours
Introductory Psychology CLEP Exam
This exam covers essential topics in general psychology including history, methodology, cognition, psychological disorders, and sociology, among other topics. The exam contains 95 questions and allows 90 minutes for completion. The exam also references the most recent edition of the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) V.
Credits typically earned: 3 college credit hours
Introductory Sociology CLEP Exam
The introductory sociology exam covers basic topics from a first-semester course including topics like general theoretical approaches, social patterns, and perspective. The exam gives 90 minutes to complete 100 multiple choice questions.
Credits typically earned: 3 college credit hours
Principles of Macroeconomics CLEP Exam
This exam gives test takers 90 minutes to answer 80 questions on broad topics in macroeconomics, theories that apply to an economy as a whole. Topics include supply and demand, fiscal policy, banking and a basic understanding of foreign exchange.
Credits typically earned: 3 college credit hours
Principles of Microeconomics CLEP Exam
This exam focuses on the economics of individual consumers or businesses, including topics like free market structure, utility, and resource allocation. The exam consists of 80 questions to be completed in 90 minutes.
Credits typically earned: 3 college credit hours
Social Sciences and History CLEP Exam
This exam covers a broad range of topics in both the social sciences (economics, geography, and political science) and history (United States, Western civilisation, and world). It allows test takers to demonstrate a broad range of general education knowledge. The 90-minute exam consists of 120 questions.
Credits typically earned: 6 college credit hours
Western Civilization I: Ancient Near East to 1648 CLEP Exam
This 90 minute, 120 question exam covers a broad range of history from ancient Greece and Rome to early modern Europe. The exam requires an understanding of important people and events throughout history, but also the ability to interpret and analyze the importance of these events and to evaluate texts or images.
Credits typically earned: 3 college credit hours
Western Civilization II: 1648 to the Present CLEP Exam
This 90 minute, 120 question exam covers Western civilization from 1648 to present day, including topics like the Enlightenment, the French Revolution, and the World Wars. Test takers not only need to have familiarity with the events and people of history, but also be able to apply their knowledge to the interpretation of a text, image, or set of data.
Credits typically earned: 3 college credit hours
Science and Mathematics CLEP Exams
Biology CLEP Exam
This exam covers material from one year of biology courses. It is a 90-minute exam consisting of 115 questions that tests on the basic principles of biology, the scientific method, and the social consequences of biological research. The exam covers three broad topics: molecular biology, organismal biology, and population level biology.
Credits typically earned: 6 college credit hours
Calculus CLEP Exam
This exam covers the first semester of college-level calculus including limits and integration. The exam consists of 44 questions in 90 minutes, split into two sections. The first 27 question section does not allow the use of a calculator while the second, 17 question section allows test takers to use an online graphing calculator integrated into the test taking application.
Credits typically earned: 4 college credit hours
Chemistry CLEP Exam
This exam covers material taught in two semesters of college chemistry. It is a 75 question exam with 90 minutes allotted. The exam includes a broad range of topics from states of matter, reactions, kinetics, and experimental work. A scientific calculator and periodic table are available for the entirety of the exam.
Credits typically earned: 6 college credit hours
College Algebra CLEP Exam
This 60 question, 90-minute exam covers one semester of general college algebra. Half of the test includes fundamental algebra problems and the other half requires students to apply their skills to novel concepts, demonstrating their understanding. A scientific calculator is permitted during the entire exam.
Credits typically earned: 3 college credit hours
College Mathematics CLEP Exam
This exam covers math generally taught to non-science majors. It consists of 60 questions with 90 minutes allotted. Questions cover topics ranging from basic algebra to probability and financial mathematics. A scientific calculator is permitted for the entire exam period.
Credits typically earned: 6 college credit hours
Related Article: College Mathematics CLEP: What to Expect
Natural Sciences CLEP Exam
This exam covers a broad range of topics in the introductory natural sciences, including biology, chemistry, and physics. It is a 90-minute exam with 120 questions. Most of the questions focus on a generalized understanding of scientific information and application of basic facts to problems.
Credits typically earned: 6 college credit hours
Precalculus CLEP Exam
Many students take the precalculus exam to bypass a proficiency requirement at their university or permit them to register for a calculus course as a freshman. The 90-minute exam consists of 48 questions broken into two sections, one with the use of a graphing calculator and one without the use of any calculator. The exam covers functions, expressions, and analytical geometry and trigonometry.
Credits typically earned: 3 college credit hours
Business CLEP Exams
Financial Accounting CLEP Exam
This 90 minute, 75 question exam tests a student’s ability to use and analyze financial data to solve simple problems. Income balancing and cash flows are commonly tested topics in the exam. Throughout the exam, access to a four-function calculator is provided.
Credits typically earned: 3 college credit hours
Information Systems CLEP Exam
This exam tests basic concepts in information systems, including commonly used office applications, the internet and applications of technology. Basic programming concepts are also addressed. The exam consists of 100 questions with 90 minutes allowed.
Credits typically earned: 3 college credit hours
Introductory Business Law CLEP Exam
The introductory business law exam consists of 100 questions with 90 minutes allotted. It tests the overarching concepts of contracts in law, as well as the history of legal systems and procedures. Basic Constitutional law is also addressed.
Credits typically earned: 3 college credit hours
Principles of Management CLEP Exam
This exam requires test takers to demonstrate their knowledge of management techniques and terminology. These general concepts must also be applied to specific problems in business management. The test contains 100 questions to be completed in 90 minutes.
Credits typically earned: 3 college credit hours
Principles of Marketing CLEP Exam
This exam consists of 100 questions and allows 90 minutes for completion. The exam covers the role of marketing in business, an understanding of markets, marketing strategy and ethics. Test takers are also expected to understand current trends in economic, demographic or technological spaces.
Credits typically earned: 3 college credit hours
These 33 CLEP exams are an excellent way for students to earn college credit, while saving time and money. CLEP exams help students earn often the same amount of credits as if they took a traditional class at a college.
Related Article: What Homeschoolers Need to Know about CLEP Exams
This information is subject to change. Please verify it with your preferred college or The College Board website.
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