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  • DIscovering the Gift in Your Teen

Discovering the Gift in Your Teen


We know that our teens have unique strengths but it’s painstakingly hard to wait for those to reveal themselves. So how do we determine what those gifts are so we can shape them into usable tools for life?

Discovering the Gift in Your Teen2020-01-31T17:31:08-06:00
  • Episode 2: Starting Dual Credit Studies with Becky Muldrow

Episode 2: Starting Dual Credit Studies with Becky Muldrow


How can you prepare your young teen for dual credit studies? What challenges will families face as they prepare for the high school years? Listen in as Becky Muldrow, Dual Credit at Home’s founder, shares from her years of experience with dual credit and successfully graduating seven homeschool high school students.

Episode 2: Starting Dual Credit Studies with Becky Muldrow2020-08-22T12:34:30-05:00
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